
Parenting Topics and Other Articles of Interest:

The Vital Role of Play in Childhood by Joan Almon

There’s More to Reading Than Meets the Eye by Barbara Sokolov

Disciplining Children: A New View by Janet Allison

Rewards & Praise – The Poisoned Carrot by Robin Grille

Teaching our children to write, read & spell by Susan R. Johnson, M.D.

Stranger In Our Homes: TV and Our Children’s Minds by Susan R. Johnson, M.D.

Waldorf-related resources:

What is Waldorf Early Childhood Education? An article on the Waldorf Kindergarten and the World of the Young Child

What is Waldorf Education? Find out more at

Why Waldorf Works From a Neuroscientific Perspective by Dr. Regalena “Reggie” Melrose

Observing the Six-Year Change by Ruth Ker

An Introduction to Waldorf Education Essay by Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Waldorf approach.