Our Classes
Song Garden is an early childhood education program based on Rudolf Steiner’s indications for childhood development. We offer 2, 3 and 5 day options for children between the ages of 3 and 6 years of age. All classes are held between 9am and 1pm, Monday through Friday.
During the first years of childhood, imitation is the primary method of learning. In a homely classroom environment our teachers model actions that are worthy of imitation such as preparing nourishing food, making simple toys, handwork, cleaning, playing musical instruments, singing and caring for our environment and our friends.
We go outside to play in most weather. In winter, we ‘rug up’ warm, put on our rain gear, take the buckets and build canals and bridges in the puddles. In summer, we enjoy water play, picnics and flying kites.
Song Garden offers a safe, nurturing environment for young children to develop and explore some of their first significant relationships outside of their primary families. As the young child becomes more social, we help them form successful relationships with their peers by modeling effective language skills.
Our current classes include:
Salmonberry (M-W): mixed-age, 3-6 yrs. old
Meadowlark (Th-F): ” ” ”